Cleaning Checklist

  • Fold tables and lean them against the front or back wall after sweeping and mopping the floor in that area.
  • Push chairs against the side walls. Split them up: half on each side please.
  • Sweep AND mop the hall upstairs, lobby, kitchen and bathroom floor with broom and mop.
    *Do not leave floors sticky with liquids or food.
  • Vacuum carpet in hallway, steps and landing at the top of the steps.
  • Wipe food, crumbs, and liquids from tables, chairs, and trashcan lids.
  • Remove all decorations.
  • Wipe down all countertops and food prep area.
  • Take all trash outside to the trashcans (Please DO NOT drag bags through hallway causing leakage and stains on carpets). Put trash in the dumpster outside at the back of the property. Put a new trash bag in each trashcan and wipe off any food and liquids from the trashcan lid please.
  • Remove all your food and drink items from the refrigerator and kitchen. Wipe out the refrigerator.
  • Wash and towel dry chafing dishes, stands and serving spoons and lay them on the countertop.
  • Be sure your guests did not leave trash or cigarettes in the parking lot.

Additional requirements to receive a refund:

**All guests/vendors/DJ must vacate 1 hour prior to the end of your rental. You may only have yourself + 7 helpers remain in the building for the last hour for cleaning.

**NO ALCOHOL** Unless you have reserved one of our mobile bartending services. If alcohol is present without our bartending service, you will forfeit your deposit.**Keep music at a level that cannot be heard outside. DJ Can only use ONE speaker.